5 Postpartum Recovery Care Tips For New Moms

photo by: @cecilealamode

Women’s bodies are transformed during pregnancy, and after months of creating, growing, and nurturing a brand-new person, the body needs time to transition from pregnancy to motherhood. This time, known as the postpartum period, typically lasts 6-8 weeks after childbirth.

During these weeks of postpartum recovery, new moms may experience a wide range of physical and emotional changes as they adjust to becoming a mother while their body gets back to functioning post-pregnancy. While some women bounce right back, others experience symptoms that range from postpartum depression, characterized by mood swings and emotional vulnerability, to serious physical complications like postpartum hypertension.

Postpartum issues can vary in symptoms and intensity from woman to woman, but all new moms need postpartum care to ensure a speedy and healthy recovery. While your healthcare provider will schedule regular appointments to monitor your physical and mental health throughout this period, don’t discount the old adage that “sleep is the best medicine” when considering your postpartum self-care routine 

Helping your newborn get quality sleep is one of the best things you can do when it comes to postpartum care for yourself, as better sleep for baby equals better sleep for you! A calming bedtime routine and having your baby sleep in your room in a bassinet like the MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet is a great first step in helping you both get quality sleep.

Read on to learn more postpartum period and postpartum recovery tips that will help speed along your healing.

The Truth About Postpartum Care

Throughout pregnancy, a mom and baby’s health and well-being are intertwined. But even though the postpartum weeks are critical for women’s health, for most new moms, once the baby is born the focus shifts almost exclusively to the baby’s care.

The limited conversations about postpartum care for a mom and the journey from pregnancy to recovery raise very real concerns about the well-being of new momsA recent study examining the experiences of 54 postpartum women found that the information available to them was largely focused on the care of their newborn, and discussions about the physical and mental health of the mothers themselves were entirely left out of the conversation. This lack of attention to the challenges and changes regarding postpartum recovery that moms face, coupled with surging hormones and other physical changes, can lead to feelings of isolation and unpreparedness.

Hormones and physical changes may be out of your control, but you can ease the postpartum transition by preparing for your baby. This article provides a list of 12 things to do before your baby arrives to get ready. You should also talk to your doctor about what to expect so you’re well-informed for the postpartum recovery experience. This checklist from the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (ACOG) can help you keep track of the things you want to discuss with your caregiver at your postpartum check ups.

Rest plays a pivotal role in speeding up your postpartum recovery during these three months, giving your body time to heal and regain strength after the hard work of pregnancy and childbirth. The MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet can make the dream of getting adequate sleep a reality by gently rocking your little one to sleep so you can get the rest you need to heal.

You should also be sure to get adequate nutrition to replenish the nutrients lost during pregnancy and labor. Equally important when it comes to postpartum tips that accelerate your recovery is getting the emotional support you need to alleviate stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression.

5 Essential Postpartum Tips

  1. Sleep is Your Best Friend: Getting enough rest during the postpartum weeks isn’t a luxury; it's a crucial component of your physical and mental recovery. The demands of caring for a newborn can be overwhelming, and getting quality sleep can help you feel better physically and emotionally. Our sleep tips for sleep-deprived new parents can help you get the rest you need. Another valuable tool for new parents and postpartum self-care is the MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet, designed with customizable features that encourage better sleep, including white noise—read all about the power of white noise to soothe and calm babies here.

  2. Maintain a Nutritious Diet: A nutritious diet is key for new moms in the postpartum period—both to support their recovery and for breastfeeding, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Healthy foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients aid in the healing process after childbirth and provide your body with necessary energy to cope with the exhausting first days of motherhood. 

    Eat frequently to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent energy dips and mood swings, avoid excessive sugar to keep energy levels steady and prevent unnecessary weight gain. Finally, be sure to drink enough water and other fluids to support milk production while breastfeeding.
  1. Walk, Don’t Run: Think because you’re no longer pregnant you can get right back to your normal activities? Think again. One of the most important postpartum care tips we can share is that you need to go easy on your body after giving birth, so opt for gentle movements like stretching and walking to get back into the swing of things. 

    When you need to give your arms a break, the MamaRoo® Multi-Motion Baby Swing™ is a great option that limits your physical movement while still giving your baby the comfort they need.
  1. Navigate Your Emotions: For your emotional well-being and the well-being of your baby, it’s crucial to be able to distinguish between 'baby blues' and postpartum depression. Not sure what you’re feeling? This screener from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) can help you recognize the signs so you know when it’s time to seek professional help.

  2. Prepare a Postpartum Care Kit: The postpartum days can be stressful, but you can prepare by creating a postpartum care kit stocked with all the essentials you’ll need to make it through these days, like maxi pads, comfortable underwear, gentle soap, cleansing wipes, nourishing snacks, a refillable water bottle, and breastfeeding supplies. Don't forget to add pain relief medications and items that promote relaxation, like aromatherapy oils and a good book.

Embrace Your New Journey

Becoming a mom changes everything—and that includes your body. As you embrace this new role and consider the postpartum care tips that help you most, remember to be kind to yourself and accept your body. If you’re struggling with body image after pregnancy, you’re not alone. It may help to talk to your partner and friends about the way you’re feeling.

As you’re adjusting to caring for a newborn, it can be hard to remember to care for yourself, too. Try to keep the following postpartum self-care ideas in mind: Carve out time for yourself and work in time with loved ones who can support you during these joyful — but difficult—days of postpartum recovery.